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Pacer II®-- Canyon Lake, Texas

Pacer II® is a family of prefabricated modular and package dual-treatment water plants that deliver a proven capability for solving difficult treatment problems, including turbidity, color, iron, manganese, taste, odor, as well as waterborne disease causing organisms. Pacer II® is utilized in locations where raw water turbidity is low to moderate. In a two-step treatment process, Pacer II® provides an up-flow contact clarifier followed by a polishing filter. Chemically treated water in the contaclarifier passes through granular media. Consuming 80% less land than conventional plants, Pacer II® delivers significant capital cost savings through its compact size and modular design.

The Roberts Filter Group team spoke to Adam Gonzoles, the Chief Operator for the Canyon Lake Water Department about his experience with the Pacer II® and Roberts Filter Group.

“The Pacer II® is working really well and is producing real good water. Andre is amazing and has become a valuable asset to us. Roberts is very responsive and maintenance with the Pacer II® is normal. We are happy to be a reference to Roberts.” - Adam Gonzoles, Chief Operator for the Canyon Lake Water Department.

To learn more about the Pacer II®, visit the ‘Packaged Water Treatment’ page under ‘Products’.

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