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Vertical Pressure Filters-- Foxboro, Massachusetts

Roberts Filter Group specializes in large flow, large capacity systems. Standard vertical pressure filters up to 12 feet in diameter offer an especially cost effective and reliable solution for iron and manganese removal, turbidity reduction and process water filtration. Roberts' pressure filters can be configured for a variety of direct pumping treatment configurations. Consult our engineering staff for cost-saving solutions.

Roberts Filter Group helped Foxboro, Massachusetts upgrade their treatment plant by installing Vertical Pressure Filters that treat water from four new groundwater wells on the site. These filters remove iron and manganese from the water before it enters the system.

"I like that it seems to operate a lot better than what we had before. There are a lot more safeguards in place so that we can leave at the end of every day knowing that the water is going to continue to be as safe as it was when we did leave." -Rick Kadlik, Treatment Manager

To learn more about Vertical Pressure Filtration:

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